Monday, November 25, 2024

25th - 26th November 2024

Tuesday, 26th NovemberA fairly cool but pleasant day, with plenty of sunshine, some scattered cloud and a light to moderate breeze W 2-3.

Elmer Rocks: It was fairly quiet overall, but there was a little bit of variety this morning. A Great Northern Diver flew east whilst there were at least 12 Red-breasted Mergansers and six Great Crested Grebes offshore. A single Brent Goose flew east whilst two went west, as did five Common Scoter and a distant auk sp.
Waders were of interest, with c.150 Sanderlings flying west, the majority of which dropped onto the rock islands to roost during the high tide, together with nine Grey Plovers, 20 Ringed Plovers, 15 Turnstones and five OystercatchersAlong the beach were 35 Mediterranean Gulls and four Common Gulls amongst other gull species.
During my watch this morning I also bumped into local birder Bola at Poole Place, where he had earlier seen a Slavonian Grebe offshore, but unfortunately it had gone by the time I arrived. We watched together for some while, before then going our separate ways. I spent some time searching around the back fields, where there was a Grey Wagtail and a surprise Mistle Thrush feeding. Late butterflies were on the wing with Painted Lady and Red Admiral seen.

Mediterranean Gulls on Elmer beach: three of these birds are actually colour-ringed (furthest left=green, centre=white and furthest right=white). Unfortunately I couldn't get anywhere near enough to obtain the ring details.
Great Black-backed Gull (upper bird) dislodging a Common Gull from its perch, just as I took a shot of the latter.....
.....and Carrion Crow flying in to rob a Med Gull, just as I took a shot of the latter...!

Monday, 25th November: Storm Bert finally passed through overnight, to give a fairly mild start, with early cloud giving way to a dry, bright and breezy morning in a fresh N/NW breeze force 4-5.

Lidsey WTW area: There were two Grey Wagtails and several Pied Wagtails around the Works area, but around the adjacent hedgerows Chiffchaffs were the most notable species with c.20 birds logged; also a couple of Cetti's Warblers and a small flock of Long-tailed Tits were present. Around the reservoir and adjacent fields were 20 Gadwall, 15 Mallard, eight Teal, seven Shoveler and just singles of Tufted Duck and Little Grebe.

Chiffchaffs were the main feature in the Lidsey WTW area this morning, with c.20 birds present on an otherwise quiet day.

Bilsham farm: Having left the above site and en route to this one - a couple of miles distance and just a short drive - the realities of all the building development in the area and its associated services soon kicked in, with road works on both the A29 and A259 severely affecting my journey...taking a little under an hour to arrive. Diabolical.
When I did finally arrive, the reservoir today held nothing new and I logged 26 Canada Geese, 24 Shoveler, seven Tufted Ducks, two Pochard, seven Little Grebes and 100 Coots. The usual build up of mixed gulls species was present but there was  nothing  to reward my persistence!

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7th - 8th March 2025

Saturday, 8th  M arch :  Quite hazy at times with sunshine and cloud, but remaining dry, with a moderate to fresh E/SE breeze 4-5. Lidsey ar...