2023 & 2022 highlights

2023 Sightings:

Herewith a selection of interesting species on the patch in 2023, which were for me at least personal highlights. I have already mentioned my lack of patience, equipment and ability in the photographic world (see Introduction) and I fully realise the images here cannot compare with those on many other sites where photo quality is paramount. However, the images here tell it like it was and are from my own birding diary, so they are fine for my purposes; personally, I'd rather find an interesting species than wait around all day for that killing shot of someone else's bird! So please make allowances and I hope you will at least find some of them of interest..... 

Avocet on Elmer beach, (10th October). Although it may be more common elsewhere this is still a scarce bird on the patch, not recorded annually.

Black-necked Grebe, Bilsham farm, (27th March). This scarce visitor is just starting to assume its colourful summer plumage here.

Pair of Gadwall with young, Lidsey farm, (27th May). Although a regularly seen species, it is a notably scarce breeder in this area and was definitely a highlight for me.

Little Gulls off Elmer Rocks, (4th November); adult with blackish underwing and immature (1st-w) nearest camera. A good year for records of this species, due to the number of wind-blown birds in the winter storms.

Little Ringed Plover (juvenile) at Bilsham farm, (1st August). A classic short-staying visit by this migrant wader.

Long-tailed Duck, Bilsham farm, (6th November). This attractive duck spent over two weeks in this location before moving on.

Ring Ouzel (1st-winter) at Elmer ,(10th October). This young bird's plumage just hints at the adult's more prominent attire, but is always a sought-after migrant by birders.

Sand Martins, Bilsham farm, (6th August). The photo really doesn't do it justice, but this gathering was spectacular, with hundreds of early-autumn birds settling, then rising up as one in a big cloud. An annually seen species but still a highlight.

Snow Bunting, Atherington, (Climping), (6th December). This charming species is always a joy to find and certainly brightened up the end of the year period for me.

Finally, probably my local highlight find of the year was this juvenile Wood Sandpiper at Bilsham farm, (19th July), so it merits two photos. It allowed a fairly close approach during its brief stay, allowing its plumage features to be studied and allowing even me to get a half-decent image! 

2022 Sightings:

As with 2023, I have included here a selection of shots which, for various reasons, were personal highlights on the local patch....

Black-necked Grebe, Bilsham farm, (7th October). This is a scarce visitor, but the patch has done well with several recorded over the last few years.
Barred Warbler (juvenile), Atherington (Climping) set-aside, (8th October). Two shots of this very scarce/rare species here, following a good find by local birder Bola.

Egyptian Geese, Bilsham farm, (12th December). This species has now spread rapidly throughout the county, but can still be tricky to see on the local patch at times, thus four together balancing on small plastic floats in a reservoir were somewhat unusual and made me smile!

Female Goldeneye (centre), Lidsey WTW area, (12th February). This largely maritime and coastal species occurs much less frequently nowadays in our area, largely to due with milder winters and global warming, so finding one on a small freshwater area was a real bonus.

Jack Snipe, Atherington (Climping), 9th January. This species is always tricky to locate during the winter, but it can then be amazingly confiding once found, as was the case with this bird.

Spotted Flycatcher, Climping, (23rd August). This unobtrusive brown and streaky little bird is a long-distance migrant that is declining rapidly, but fortunately is still an annual sighting, especially in autumn. Compared to some other species shown here is comparatively common, but even so, it is one of my favourite species, always keenly anticipated.

Little Stints on the set-aside pool, Atherington, Climping, (16th September). Another nice find by Bola, and fortunately these birds stayed for a couple of days, giving a good number of birders the opportunity to add the species to their local patch lists - including me.

Red-necked Grebe, Elmer Rocks, (2nd May). This uncommon bird was in almost full summer plumage, on a calm sea. However, it was a fair way offshore, thus the need to heavily crop the image. Even so, it is clearly identifiable and brightened the day for me.

Drake Ring-necked Duck, Bilsham farm, (14th April). This rarity was a real surprise find and a first for the patch, being an American species. Fortunately it stayed for some days, allowing quite a number of birders, local and otherwise, the opportunity to see it.

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