Saturday, 7th December: Storm Darragh: Very strong W/NW winds gusting at times to severe gale force 9, leaden skies and frequent rain, often heavy.
Sorry, but given the conditions and the unfavourable wind direction, I wasn't tempted to go out birding today, opting to catch up on overdue admin jobs and domestic duties!
I did however manage a bit of time to sit in front of my pc, so it seemed like an opportune moment to review the situation with this little blog. As we close in on the end of the year, I realise that it is almost a full 12 months since I started this venture and time that has flown by, to me anyway. So, has it been worth the effort and has it achieved what I had hoped? I'm pleased to say the answer on both counts is yes.
I've been happy to note the support from a good many local folks, many taking the trouble to speak, raise an identification query or even notify me of an interesting sighting. One of my objectives has always been to try and get local people interested in the lovely area and wildlife that surrounds them, so well done to all of you, whether you just read to the blog to keep up with local bird news, or perhaps have become more deeply involved. I'm also pleased to say that some birding friends and others also visit the site, and whilst our local patch cannot usually compete with larger and more frequently watched sites, it does have its moments.

I should explain here that I do try to put out my sightings reports on the blog as promptly as possible, usually on the day involved. I am out birding most days, but not always on the 5-Km patch, so there will of course inevitably be days when no reports appear here for a day or two, or even for a short period, but even so, the blog should give a general indication of what's around locally. So, all being well, it will be onwards and upwards into 2025...
Definition of a Birder......!
Thursday, 5th December: A grey, damp and overcast day, with occasional very light drizzle and a fresh to strong breeze, W 5-6, with heavier rain due later.
Elmer Rocks: The first week of December and a generally dreary morning which was very quiet for birds, not helped by fairly poor visibility offshore at times. A total of 24 Brent Geese went west in several small flocks, whist four distant Red-breasted Mergansers went east and at least 12 Mediterranean Gulls were back and forth, but that was about the sum of the activity! Along the beach were just a few of the regular waders - Oystercatchers, Turnstones and Ringed Plovers - whilst in and around the field margins were just four Pied Wagtails, a few Goldfinches and two or three Song Thrushes. A short visit was enough today before it was time to move on.
Brent Geese and Mediterranean Gull passing Elmer Rocks - the murky conditions and poor light not helping on a dreary morning.
Bilsham farm: Decided to make another of my regular checks here, but overall there was not too much change. Forty Canada Geese were present this time, together with just six Shoveler, nine Tufted Ducks, a single Teal, six Little Grebes and 100 Coots; also, amongst the gull flock, were 45 Common Gulls and 20 Mediterranean Gulls.
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