Tuesday, October 29, 2024

29th - 31st October 2024

Wednesday, 30th October: A cooler start this morning, though remaining mild overall, but fairly benign with cloud throughout the day and a fairly light NE breeze 2-3. 

Climping Gap: A slightly delayed start after a Dr's appointment, so I decided to concentrate just on the Kent's farm/old campsite area this morning - and I was soon glad that I did - for I was rewarded with a fairly late Ring Ouzel in a hedge along the track to the campsite. It called several times before breaking cover, but didn't stay too long and easily evaded my camera!
Two Swallows flew east and I also logged four Chiffchaffs and two Goldcrests in the bushes, whilst other species included two Stonechats, 40+ Skylarks, half a dozen Meadow Pipits, four Greenfinch, two Reed Buntings and three Yellowhammers.

Stonechats at Climping

Bilsham farm: There were a lot of birds on the reservoir today, including several hundred gulls; most were Black-headed or Herring Gulls, but also present were 20+ Mediterranean, several Common and half a dozen Great Black-backed Gulls. The Black-necked Grebe was still present, as were six Little Grebes and two Tufted Ducks, but new arrivals included five Wigeon, five Shoveler and four Pochard, with the recent 25 Canada Geese also putting in an appearance. I didn't count the Coots today, but a good estimate would be 150+ so all together a busy morning here.

Bilsham reservoir today: (above) Black-necked Grebe (centre) with two Little Grebes, (below) three Pochards with Coot and (bottom) five Wigeon.

Tuesday, 29th October: After overnight rain, a dry and mainly cloudy day, but notably mild with occasional glimpses of the sun and just a light W/NW breeze.

Elmer Rocks & area: I stayed very local again today and whilst there was nothing exciting, there were a few bits and pieces of interest. There were at least 72 Ringed Plovers on the rock island groynes, roosting at high tide, whilst five Little Egrets were also roosting on the islands early on; presumably the latter were part of a group of 12 later seen feeding together in the fields near Poole Place. The highlight though was the two Ravens, first seen and heard over the back woods near the paint-ball area, being pursued by a bunch of noisy crows. The Ravens were unable to settle and were harassed until they eventually flew off east, heading towards Climping. This species has spread significantly throughout the county now, but is actually still rather uncommon along this part of the coastal strip. 
My log for the morning was as below:-
Great Crested Grebe - 1 o/s
Gannet - 2 o/s amongst feeding gull flock
Little Egret - at least 12 
Oystercatcher - 8 
Turnstone - 6
Ringed Plover - 72
Sanderling - 1
Kestrel - 1
Buzzard - 5
Green Woodpecker - 4
Great Spotted Woodpecker - 2
Pied Wagtail - 5
Meadow Pipit - several
Skylark - 5
Robin - small influx, 15+
Song Thrush - 4
Goldcrest - 4
Chiffchaff - 3
Goldfinch - 30E
Chaffinch - 3
Raven - 2

(above) This Kestrel has of late taken to hunting along the back of the beach, but here it is right beside the top footpath near the Kiosk, whilst (below) early morning finds some Little Egrets roosting on the rocks....presumably some of the birds seen feeding in the fields later.

The Ravens this morning: (above) being chased by the crows, (middle) one Raven being followed by a crow, note the size difference, and (bottom) the other Raven flying off, 'cronking' as it went.

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