Monday, September 16, 2024

16th - 18th September 2024

Wednesday, 18th September: Another bright sunny day after a cool start, with the chilly NE wind force 3-5 persisting, but with less cloud today and pleasantly warm in sheltered spots.

Elmer Rocks: Fairly similar to yesterday bird-wise; there were c.25 Gannets offshore, mainly drifting W, as did three Wigeon, whilst six Sandwich Terns were lingering before drifting away E. A flock of Oystercatchers again dropped in and a total of 42 were roosting on the rocks, together with 25 Ringed Plovers and ten Turnstones. Overhead, there was a bit of 'vis mig' which included a Yellow Wagtail, two Pied Wagtails and two Grey Wagtails going E/NE, plus at least six Meadow Pipits.
The main movement though involved hirundines passing through; hundreds of Swallows and nearly as many House Martins were heading mainly E during the earlier part of the morning, though I couldn't attempt a count as I was busy trying to check everything else! Chiffchaffs were again well represented with c.25 present in the bushes.

Lidsey WTW area: There wasn't too much in the area this morning, although on the small reservoir were eight Little Grebes, two Tufted Ducks, 14 Gadwall and a single Shoveler. A few Chiffchaffs were in the hedges, including a couple that were briefly singing.

Shoveler (top left) and two Gadwall on Lidsey farm reservoir

Bilsham farm: On the reservoir were 130 Coots, six Little Grebes, 34 Tufted Ducks and an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull. Best here though was a smart 1st-cycle (juv~1st w) Yellow-legged Gull. (Note: for any non-birders  reading, sorry, but this is a bit of a 'birder's bird' and is basically a young gull in a distinct juvenile plumage)

Juv-1st w (1st-cycle) Yellow-legged Gull in flight, at Bilsham farm

Tuesday, 17th SeptemberA dry, bright and sunny morning with a chilly edge, due to the fresh NE wind force 3-4, increasing to force 5 later and with some cloud developing.

Elmer Rocks: Limited birding time for me today, so a visit to the local beach was in order. There were a total of 12 Gannets passing through W this morning, some lingering to fish before moving on, whilst six Sandwich Terns offshore were also lingering, moving back and forth. A few ducks were also seen moving, consisting of 14 E Teal and 1E, 3W Pintail - a few others being just too far out to identify. A handful of Oystercatchers on the beach were joined by a larger flock which noisily dropped in, to give a total of 38 birds which then roosted on the rock islands. A single Sanderling, 12 Ringed Plovers and 10 Turnstones were also present.

Two Blackcaps were feeding in some blackberry bushes, but once again, good numbers of Chiffchaffs were around, and my small circuit along the hedgerows and set-aside behind the beach produced a total of c.30; doubtless a wider search would have produced a good deal more. The was some visible migration, with several hundred hirundines on the move - mainly House Martins but plenty of Swallows too - and perhaps a dozen Meadow Pipits, two Pied Wagtails and a Yellow Wagtail amongst the commoner species. 

(top two) Sandwich Terns at Elmer Rocks (note the moulting wings in the flying bird) and (bottom) Chiffchaff in the hedgerow - one of many today.

Monday, 16th SeptemberAnother fine, sunny and fairly warm day, after a cool start, with a light NE breeze force 2.

Climping: There was no sign of the Wryneck this morning, much to the chagrin of several visiting birders. There were however some compensations, with two Firecrests and a Lesser Whitethroat around the Bailiffscourt overflow carpark, a Hobby that flew across the fields towards the campsite area, then later at least two Spotted Flycatchers, again at Bailiffscourt. There wasn't so much visible migration going on today, but other species logged were as below:-
Little Egret - 10
Grey Heron - 2
Sandwich Tern - 2W
Buzzard - 3
Kestrel - 1
Green Woodpecker - 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1
House Martin - at least 50, no count
Swallow - at least 100, no count
Skylark - 8
Wheatear - 1
Meadow Pipit - 10
Grey Wagtail - 1E
Blackcap - 4
Chiffchaff - 15
Linnet - 60

Firecrests at Climping this morning

At least two Spotted Flycatchers at Climping (Bailiffscourt) this morning

Bilsham farm: It was more of the same really, except for an adult Yellow-legged Gull which stood out from the crowd of 300+ Herring Gulls resting around the reservoir edges, before the former suddenly took flight and headed off west. On the water were six Little Grebes, 34 Tufted Ducks and 130 Coots, with a small number of Swallows and House Martins above. A Yellowhammer and a small number of Chiffchaffs were in the bushes.

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