Monday, 3rd March: Another sharp frost this morning, leading into a crisp, bright and sunny day, with blue skies and just a light NE breeze.
Elmer Rocks: There was virtually nothing moving through on passage this morning, although on the calm sea at low tide there were 24 Red-breasted Mergansers, dotted about, in twos and threes and at varying ranges, with most of the males now attempting some display, whilst three Great Crested Grebes were far more sedate. Waders were again the most numerous feature; 45 Oystercatchers dropped in to rest on the rock islands awhile, a large mixed flock of Turnstones and Sanderlings also appeared - consisting of about 40 of each - to be joined later by other stragglers (one hopping about on just one leg), and four Ringed Plovers were also feeding on the beach.
In the set-aside adjoining the beach, a single Chiffchaff was present and singing occasionally; this was probably an early migrant as none have been present here for some weeks now, two rival Song Thrushes were again duetting, and several Linnets were flying around, but otherwise there was nothing of note.
Oystercatchers dropped onto the rocks to rest for a while this morning
Sanderlings at Elmer Rocks; the above 'normal' bird was feeding on the beach, whilst the two images below show an unfortunate one-legged bird that had to rapidly hop (as immediately below) to keep up with its congeners that were running, before eventually resting (bottom image).
Sunday, 2nd March: A hard frost to start, giving way to a mainly sunny day again, with a fairly light but chilly E/SE breeze.
Shripney area: In the fields, a count of the wintering herd of Mute Swans produced a total of 52 birds, though doubtless these numbers will soon decline as adults move to their breeding sites. On the small reservoirs nearby were seven Tufted Ducks, six Mallard, two Shelduck and a Little Grebe. Along the hedgerows there were 10 Linnets, a couple of Greenfinches and two Chiffchaffs, whilst a small flock of c.30 Starlings fooled me for a while with a parakeet impression!
Starling at Shripney; I thought I heard the screech of a parakeet until I realised it was Starlings mimicking....but what attractive birds they are with their iridescent plumage reflecting the sunlight.
Bilsham farm: There were c.20 Mute Swans distantly viewable from the reservoir this afternoon, whilst on the water were just seven Tufted Ducks, two Gadwall, three Mallard, two Little Grebes and 34 Coots.
Duck numbers continue to fall and there were just seven Tufted Ducks left on the reservoir this morning, whilst below, a sure sign that spring is just around the corner with this bank of primroses now out.
Saturday, 1st March: Another cold and frosty start, leading to a bright and sunny day, with some scattered cloud and just a light to moderate NE breeze force 3.
Lidsey WTW area: Quite spring-like conditions for the first day of meteorological spring, so before leaving to go birding off the patch, I made a short visit here this morning, where I was pleased to find my first Green Sandpiper of the year at the small reservoir. Also present were five Tufted Ducks, six Shoveler, 15 Teal, six Gadwall and two Little Grebes. The hedgerows all around the WTW and the footpath seemed to be alive with Chiffchaffs feeding on insects in the morning sunshine; I counted at least 30 but doubtless there were others unseen and several were singing, whilst c.20 Pied Wagtails and a Grey Wagtail were also present.
(above) Green Sandpiper at the small reservoir this morning and (below) a drake Gadwall (bottom left) and two pairs of Shoveler.
Chiffchaff and Robin feeding on the ground near the WTW