Wednesday, January 8, 2025

8th - 9th January 2025

Thursday, 9th January::A dry, bright and mainly sunny day in a light to moderate NW breeze 3-4, with just a little high cloud later.

Elmer Rocks: There didn't seem to be much moving offshore as I did my usual circuit along the beach, with just five Red-throated Divers going east and four Gannets heading west the most notable species. A total of 18 Mediterranean Gulls were on the beach and flying around, with just a handful of Ringed Plovers and Turnstones feeding along the shoreline. A single Chiffchaff was flitting around the hedgerows of the boat compound and calling occasionally, whilst six Song Thrushes were amongst Blackbirds, feeding along the hedgerows and fields just behind the beach. 

Nearby, at Elmer woods, a group of three Great Spotted Woodpeckers were making quite a commotion, until it became apparent that two of them - presumably now paired up - were trying to drive out an intruding bird, which they eventually did.

Climping/Atherington: On the east side of Poole Place, at least 24 Ringed Plovers, 12 Oystercatchers and 12 Skylarks were all feeding in Cudlow's field (i.e. the large arable field just behind the beach, which lies between Poole Place and Climping 'car park' Atherington).

Ringed Plovers in Cudlow's field, Atherington (Climping)

Skylark (above) and Mediterranean Gull in flight

Wednesday, 8th JanuaryA dry but decidedly cold start, with a fairly light E/NE breeze in generally overcast conditions, though with a few brighter intervals through the morning. Then becoming grey and wintry by early afternoon, with rain then sleet and snow as the wind increased to force 4-5.

Elmer Rocks: There wasn't much moving offshore, with the highlight being a Great Northern Diver that flew east, eventually dropping out of sight, whilst a Red-throated Diver, 12 Red-breasted Mergansers and two Great Crested Grebes were offshore, a single Gannet flew west and a flock of five Mute Swans also flew in that direction along the back of the beach. 
A number of waders were on the rockpools and beach behind the rock islands, consisting of 32 Grey Plovers, 10 Ringed Plovers, 22 Turnstones and 5 Oystercatchers, together with 15 Mediterranean Gulls.

In the Elmer woods and fields behind the beach a Great Spotted Woodpecker was repeatedly drumming, then two Firecrests were located at the woodland edge. Finally, a male Sparrowhawk was on a garden fence at Ancton, no doubt eyeing up the small flock of House Sparrows nearby.

Waders on the beach at Elmer Rocks this morning; mainly Grey Plovers, with a few Turnstones amongst them and a Ringed Plover (above, at bottom left, foreground)

Mediterranean Gulls on the beach

Sunday, January 5, 2025

5th - 6th January 2025

Monday, 6th JanuaryHeavy overnight rain and a strong SW wind force 6, continuing into the morning as the rain began to ease to become more drizzly. Then becoming drier and brighter with sunny periods, as the wind veered to the NW but turned noticeably cooler.

Elmer Rocks: Just a brief visit of about half an hour, producing just a single Red-throated Diver which flew east before dropping onto the sea, six Red-breasted Mergansers offshore, four Mediterranean Gulls back and forth and a couple of Oystercatchers on the beach.

Climping Gap: A look around the Ferry Road area of set-aside eventually produced a single Jack Snipe and up to eight Common Snipe, whilst around the fields nearby were 40 Linnets, several Reed Buntings and two Stonechats but little else.

I then diverted to the Arundel area and Wildfowl Trust - so a little beyond the boundaries of the 5 Km patch - before returning for a look at Bilsham farm. On the reservoir were 24 Tufted Ducks, four Shoveler, two Wigeon, four Little Grebes and 75 Coots. A Kestrel was hunting the fields nearby but there was nothing beyond the normal on a fairly quiet day.

Drake Wigeon on Bilsham reservoir

Sunday, 5th JanuaryHeavy overnight rain, leading into a wet, windy and miserable day, with overcast grey skies and a strong to near gale force wind SW 6-7.

Elmer Rocks: Well I did try for a while, but visibility offshore was dire and the constant wet and windy conditions finally beat me I'm afraid, so this is basically a report about almost nothing! There were just a few gulls along the shoreline; mainly Herring but also a couple of Great Black-backed Gulls, whilst a small flock of Turnstones dropped in with a single Sanderling. A rather forlorn Cormorant battled into the wind, before I took my cue to leave. Sometimes you just have to give in!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

1st - 3rd January 2025

Friday, 3rd JanuaryA heavy frost followed by another cold, sparkling and sunny winter's day, with a light NW breeze 2-3.

Climping Gap: I set out on a mission to find a Jack Snipe today, but failed on that score, with no Common Snipe either, perhaps suitable habitat was just too frozen. There were compensations however; a Dartford Warbler was in a set-aside field with a total of eight Stonechats, whilst a total of 25 Reed Buntings and three Yellowhammers were also present. A flock of at least 30 Pied Wagtails was feeding in a flooded arable field, but the most notable species was Skylark, with two different large flocks totalling at least 120 birds. On my way back there were a few Linnets, a Bullfinch was in the Kents farm area and a single Chiffchaff was also located.

Stonechat and Reed Buntings in the set-aside at Climping

Thursday, 2nd JanuaryA complete and very welcome change today, with the overnight rain and wind having passed through, to leave a frosty clear morning in bright sunny conditions and a light NE breeze 2-3.

Lidsey WTW and area: An early afternoon visit on the patch on my way back home, having spent a fine morning on the Selsey Peninsula. The small reservoir area held just three Shoveler and 15 Gadwall, together with 40 Black-headed Gulls and a single Grey Wagtail around the water's edge. The nearby works held another Grey Wagtail, plus half a dozen Mallard on a flood and a flock of 25 Chaffinch and several Collared Doves, all feeding on a steamy pile of screenings, before retreating to the adjacent hedges every so often. A Cetti's Warbler was singing occasionally from the perimeter of the works and at least 12 Chiffchaffs were also present.

Rooks were very obvious, with 100+ feeding in the fields, but the highlight today was a total of at least 120 Redwings; they were feeding en masse in a maize stubble field, then frequently returning to the trees surrounding the fields before dropping back down to feed. A fine sight, the like of which I haven't seen locally for some time, so presumably the cold weather had prompted their arrival. A flock of up to 40 Pied Wagtails was also feeding in the field, whilst a local Buzzard was reluctant to fly from the area, as I approached.

Gadwalls with Black-headed Gulls at Lidsey and Common Buzzard 

Wednesday, 1st January 2025The predicted conditions duly arrived overnight, bringing in a stormy start to the New Year. This morning there was a full SW gale force 8, gusting to force 9, with leaden grey skies and constant light rain being driven through at speed by the wind, producing very rough seas and fairly awful visibility for much of the time; strong winds and heavier rain by afternoon! 

Elmer Rocks: I managed to watch from a sheltered spot near the Kiosk (08:15-10:45hr) but visibility offshore was often very poor, as I started my new yearlist. It was a fairly dismal start I have to admit, but I did add Gannet (3W), Great Black-backed Gull (5), Brent Goose (5W), Sanderling (3), Turnstone (12) and Oystercatcher (2) amongst some other commoner species. Time to abandon as the rain increased, but at least I'm just about off the mark!

(above) adult Great Black-backed Gull, (below) Sanderlings, and (bottom) a rough sea and awful visibility offshore at Elmer Rocks this morning.